Friday, July 27, 2012

Ancient Locations In Norse Mythology

Ancient Locations In Norse Mythology by Debasis Bhattacharjee

Ancient Locations In Norse Mythology

by Debasis Bhattacharjee

Author’s Text: Once, when first time I hear about Norse Mythology, I stunned and I feel very lucky to know those mythological stories. All are most interesting and I cannot hold me to read those great stories. Now, after then I was thinking that I get an ancient book from one of the Norse God, and in this book, every ancient locations of Norse mythology were briefly described. Of course, have many colorful pictures.

As I get that dream, next morning I start to create a book just similar like I get one in my dream from one of the Norse God. And here I made this book, by collecting and arrange those articles and pictures from some good websites. I happily want to share that book, which just looks like one of the great ancient book. I use the texture and Norse’s text like fonts. So, I think you all enjoy having this book. Thank you.


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